Beer in the Czech Republic 2015

This year on our annual trip to Brno in the Czech Republic, we were impressed by the rising beer scene for two reasons.  First, we noticed more new micro-breweries on tap in pubs, and second a lot of the micro brews aren’t Czech pilsners.

For example, Pivovar Lucky Bastard was mere blocks from our hotel, and while we couldn’t get away from meetings to visit the brewery during its small, small bottle sales window (11 – 4 on Tuesday), we did sample their Dubbel at Ochutnávková pivnice.  We also had a stout from Pivovar Kocour Varnsdorf, an American IPA from Pivovar Nomád, a DIPA from Pivovar Slavkovsky, and an English IPA from Beskydsky Pivovárek.  And as always, classic Czech Pilsner of all varieties.

Next year we hope to see even more variety, and even more pubs serving even more kinds of beer.  It can only get better, right?

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